Hello everyone, things are incredibly tough for me. A lot of things have been happening, a huge water leak right into my apartment, huge amounts of mold making me very ill, difficulties finding affordable apartments, a terrible housing scam and landlord abuse of rights, as well as private tragedies.
The very fact you are reading this means you care enough and you have been an amazing supporter. However, if you've ever thought about becoming a patron of a higher rank or commissioning me, please consider doing this now. I'm working as hard as I can to deliver as much as possible and you have surely noticed the huge amount of works I've been pumping out, so there's a huge backlog but I always manage to deliver on time and sometimes way ahead of time.
Thank you for hearing me out and considering. Whatever your decision, thank you for sticking with me.
Have a Happy New Year. May 2024 be a blessed year for us all.
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That... That sucks man. I don't think I can support right away but I will definitely try to help out. That sort of situation is messy and pricey to fix. Best of luck I hope more people are able to help out. Though honestly I'd rather just do a one-time donation.
Any kind of help is appreciated, man. As long as you don't put yourself at a disadvantage.